Thursday, December 29, 2005

Carrie’s Fictional Beach Vacation Adventure (story)

Carrie has lots of good stories about bikinis and other dares she has done. This is the first one where she talks about a sling, it in part one of the story.

Amy dug around in the bag and produced Steph’s new suit, and then another one. The first one was a standard bikini. It was about the same size as some of my biggest ones. It did expose quite a bit of cheek and much more of her breasts than her old one. The second one in terms of fabric had a little more than the suits I bought for the rest of us, but not a lot. It was a one piece, just not much of one. The bottom was a string that V’ed up into a small triangle. The strings continued upward spreading slightly at the nipple then went back to string over her shoulders and down back disappearing into the crack of her ass. .....

“All right then,” Lisa said. “You should not wear clothes in the room, like Carrie and Amy.” “I’m not ready for all that just yet.” Steph replied. “But, I’ll wear this suit around here.” Lisa shrugged her shoulders ok. “Well,” I told her. “You should defiantly get a Brazilian wax.” “What’s that?” Steph asked. “It’s like a bikini wax, but they wax everything.” Amy told her. “Here,” I said, “go down to the spa. It’s free and they are very nice.” “You think she’s up for all that?” Lisa asked. “Well, one way to find out.” Steph answered, and bravely went out the door of the room, still in the miniscule suit.

Steph fidgeted the whole way down the elevator and all but turned green when the doors opened. Amy whispered “confidence” to her and she stepped out into the open lobby. Not that anyone would have even noticed her. The two girls at the desk didn’t even look up, and nobody else seemed to be around. “Damn, it’s cold down here.” Steph said as she hurriedly made her way to the spa entrance. It seemed fine to me, but I thought this is the first time the air conditioning danced across her mostly naked body. Honestly, I delighted in watching her dealing with the issues, and all the little voices talking inside her at once. It reminded me of the last trip, and all the thoughts and emotions I went through the first times I showed some skin. I felt like Lisa must have felt all those times, always prompting the situation to push further. Now, I could walk butt naked though Times Square and not care, as long as I was safe. Lisa must have sensed this about me as well. She hadn’t even mentioned or even teased about me not wearing anything all afternoon. She was getting more comfortable showing skin, and as us being nude wore off onto Steph; I could tell it was wearing off on Lisa too. This time it was Lisa that seemed out of place. She was the only one fully clothed.

Read the full story from Carrie webpages, if you can read the links. If you cannot disable the background on her pages here is a direct link to the story quoted above.

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